1976 - The Canadian Armwrestling Association was founded by John Miazdzyk and Borden Letawsky.
1978 - Miazdzyk is one of the founding members of the World Armwrestling Federation.
1979 - John Miazdzyk hosts the first WAWF World Championship in Wetaskwin, Alberta with four countries in attendance: Canada, U.S.A, Brazil and India
- Fred Roy becomes Vice-President of the western provinces
1988 - Cathy Morrison becomes Secretary/Treasurer
1989 - John Miazdzyk passes away at the age of 40
- Fred Roy becomes President
- An annual award is given out in John's memory, Miles Wolko is the first recipient
1990 - Lise Blanchard becomes Co-Secretary/Treasurer with Cathy Morrison
1991 - Rick Blanchard becomes Vice-President of the eastern provinces
1992 - Lise Blanchard becomes sole Secretary/Treasurer
- The first CAWF Referee Clinic is held. It became an annual test for Canadian referees
1993 - Keith Koenig becomes Vice-President of the western provinces
- Rick Pinkney becomes Referee-in-chief
- Canada hosts the WAF World Championship in Edmonton, Alberta run by Cathy Morrison and Ron Highet
- CAWA changes to CAWF
- An agreement is made to have one nationals a year instead of one in the east and one in the west
1998 - Fred Roy becomes President of the World Armwrestling Federation
- Canada hosts the WAF World Championship in Thunder Bay, Ontario run by Paul Levesque
2003 - Canada hosts the WAF World Championship in Ottawa, Ontario run by Rick and Lise Blanchard
2006 - Ryan Espey becomes Vice-President of the western provinces and Joey Costello becomes Vice-President of the eastern provinces
2007 - CAWF Hall of Fame is created
2008 - The first five inductees into the CAWF Hall of Fame are, John Miazdzyk, Fred Salvadore, Fred Roy, Dave Hicks and Barb Zalepa
- Canada hosts the WAF World Championship in Kelowna, B.C. run by Keith Koenig
2011 - Anthony Dall'Antonia becomes Director of Communications
2013 - Rick Pinkney becomes President
- Ryan Espey becomes Vice-President
- Tracey Arnold becomes Secretary/Treasurer
- Patrick Callan becomes Referee-in-chief
2016 - Joey Costello becomes Vice-President
- Dave Campbell becomes Referee-in-chief
- Patrick Callan becomes Assistant Referee-in-chief
2019 - The International Federation of Armwrestling is formed and Canada votes to join the IFA. This year Canada sends a team to both World Championships. (WAF Worlds in Romania and IFA Worlds in Poland)
2020 - For the first time, there is no National Championship as a result of the Covid-19 virus. Also all provinces postpone or cancel their Provincial Championship. Our AGM is done online.
- Ryan Espey becomes Vice-President
- Vivian Santos becomes Secretary/Treasurer
2021 - This is the second year of no National Championship as a result of the Covid-19 virus. Also all provinces postpone or cancel their Provincial Championship. Our AGM is done online.
- The Ethics Advisory Committee is created by Chantal Leduc with the help of Tracey Arnold
2022 - Nationals are back, hosted in Winnipeg by Darrell Steffensen. A new record is set with 574 entries.
2023 - Canada votes to operate independently of all armwrestling world governing bodies. We welcome all Canadian athletes to attend our Nationals through the normal provincial qualification method and then the armwrestlers are free to choose which events they would like to participate in beyond our National Championships.
- Ryan Espey becomes President
- Tracey Arnold becomes Vice-President
- Dave Knox becomes Referee-in-chief
- Rick Pinkney becomes Assistant Referee-in-chief