1) Any person who wishes to start refereeing and has no experience in refereeing can only obtain a certificate to Spotter Any person with several years arm wrestling experience may try for a Level 1.
2) You must referee at least 3 tournaments over a 2 year period to hold your present level. Failure to do so will result in your being dropped 1 level. You will then only be able to qualify for next level down. If you are a Level 3 and fail to ref 3 tournaments then you will be dropped to a Level 2. You do not have to ref tournaments for the Level at which you are at, these can be local tournaments.
3)You must attend a referee's clinic at least once every 2 years or risk having your Level dropped 1 level. You may receive an extension on this by writing your Provincial Director who will then bring up with the Referee-in-Chief to determine validity.
4) You may only move up one level by refereeing at least 5 tournaments.
B) Qualification Levels
LEVEL 1 Local events only
LEVEL 2 Sanction events
LEVEL 3 Circuit Sanctions and Provincial
MASTER Canadian and World Championships
(including local, sanction and circuit events)
HEAD REFEREE Starts the Match
Must have level required for said tournament.
SECOND REFEREE Spot Judge Can be of lower level ( in order to get experience)
CANADIAN NATIONAL Masters must be Head Referee & Level 3 only can be spot judge.
WORLD EVENTS Masters only can referee.